They will be in no doubt over just how much you care when this mixed pink and red hand-tied bouquet arrives, it's a stunning alternative to the traditional all red rose bouquet, with a mix of gorgeous fresh blooms in romantic hues and at the heart of the display is a spectacular one large-headed red rose, your handcrafted bespoke gift might look a bit different to the one pictured, but it’ll still be just as lovely.
Featuring: The very freshest seasonal flowers available on the day in romantic hues 1 x large headed red rose in centre all hand-tied with a selection of deep green foliages beautifully gift wrapped in kind to the planet packaging and presented in a pretty gift box finished with flower food, envelope and card with your personal message in for that special someone.
Good to know:
Your beautiful pink and red bouquet could feature a lily. If they're not a fan, Check out our flower bouquets without lilies.
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