A perfect profusion of pure pink! Our largest bouquet of pink roses and lilies is a showstopper.
This bouquet is part of our Beautifully Simple range, it's a new collection of minimalist bouquets that celebrate elegance and understated beauty. we will carefully choose each bloom, checking it for freshness, before adding it to their stunning bouquet then wrapped in packaging that is planet friendly, Recyclable, biodegradable and beautiful too. your handcrafted bespoke gift might look a little bit different to the one pictured, but it’ll still be just as lovely.
Featuring: The very freshest pink rose and pink lily available on the day all hand-tied with green foliage, beautifully wrapped in kind to the planet flowerwrap recyclable, biodegradable, (will arrive perfectly pre-arranged in a flower food water bubble and will be vase ready when needed)presentedin a stylish white gift box finished with a biodegradable flower food sachet, envelope and card with your personal message infor that special someone.