Sending a bouquet of beautiful red roses says it all, we've selected the finest, large-headed red roses with gypsophila and a selection of deep green foliages in an eye-catching display to retain their individual beauty. The gift wrapping is an important part of the impact too and will showcase your roses beautifully to create a hand-tied bouquet guaranteed to take their breath away.
Featuring: the very best fresh 12 red large-headed roses expertly hand-tied with gypsophila and a selection of deep green foliages, beautifully wrapped in kind to the planet flowerwrap with plum and brown kraft paper and and tied with a complementary hugs and kisses ribbon bow, (will arrive perfectly pre-arranged in a flower food water bubble and will be vase ready when needed) presented in a stylish red gift box finished with a spare biodegradable flower food sachet, envelope and handwritten card with your personal message in for that special someone.
Approximate Product Dimensions:
Height: 55cm, Width: 34cm
Gift Box Included
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